Search Engine Optimization

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What is E-A-T? [Why is E-A-T Important for SEO]?

What is E-A-T? [Why is E-A-T Important for SEO]?

What is E-A-T? E-A-T stands for “Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness.” “Expertise” – You need to be an expert in your field. Expertise means you need to show the skill of the creator for the Main Content or (MC) and mention it in your content. Expertise is less critical for humor or gossip websites, but it’s vital […]

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What are Core Web Vitals and Why Should You Care?

What are Core Web Vitals and Why Should You Care?

Recently, Google introduced three new measurements that they’ll be using to gauge how your website stacks up against your competitors, they’re named Core Web Vitals. If your website has low scores, then most likely there are issues with your website that you need to address. Fixing them will not only help your search engine rankings,

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How to Avoid Google Penalties

How to Avoid Google Penalties

Google penalties are the bogeymen of every webmaster’s worst nightmare. To get slapped with a search engine penalty means traffic flatlining, and reaching almost zero SEO visibility; it can take your site months to recover from the damage. When your SEO rank starts to slip, it is not always done in an explainable way. That

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How to get listed on Google: discover, evaluate, index

How to get listed on Google: discover, evaluate, index

Google must be able to discover, evaluate, and index your content if you want to be listed on Google. What’s the difference between these steps and how can you facilitate the process? 1. Web page discovery Google must be able to find your web pages somehow. In general, new pages need at least one link

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The Key to Coming Up With Creative Content in 2021

The Key to Coming Up With Creative Content in 2021

A strong SEO strategy should encompass many things, but its heart should be all about content creation. Even if you can boost your site so successfully that it exceeds all your viewership expectations, those views mean nothing if they don’t become conversions. When somebody clicks on a link to a website, they usually do so

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Google’s May 2021 Page Experience Algorithm Update

Google’s May 2021 Page Experience Algorithm Update

Another Google algorithm update is just around the corner. This time Google is focusing on the page experience of your websites to ensure users have a pleasant experience on your site. Here we’ll be going over what this algorithm update is, what it’s affecting, and how you can get ready for it. This update will

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