search visibility

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Out-Of-Stock Products May Affect Search Visibility, According to Google

Out-Of-Stock Products May Affect Search Visibility, According to Google

If an item is out of stock, a product page’s visibility in Google Search may suffer. If the item for sale is marked as out of stock on the retailer’s website, Google may restrict the visibility of the product page. During a recent Google Search Central SEO office-hours hangout, Google’s Search Advocate John Mueller mentioned […]

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Zero click search: the new consumer comfort zone

Zero click search: the new consumer comfort zone

30-second summary: Zero click search presents advertisers with the opportunity to pro-long budgets during periods when the paid search landscape is hypercompetitive Brands can cash in on zero click searches for the organic element of their overall search strategy to gain visibility and drive conversions Barilla Group’s global digital & search marketing manager, Nitin Manhar

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