conversational marketing

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What is Conversational Marketing and Why is it Important?

What is Conversational Marketing and Why is it Important?

Conversational marketing is the ability to have 1:1 interactions in real time across multiple channels with prospects and customers. It allows for businesses to generate and nurture relationships, improve the online customer experience, and support consumers through the funnel from awareness to long-term supporter. Chat bots, messaging apps, and live chat are just a few […]

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Going beyond keywords: how conversational insights take the guesswork out of marketing

Going beyond keywords: how conversational insights take the guesswork out of marketing

30-second summary: Keywords represent the tip of the iceberg when it comes to understanding consumer intent Using AI-powered chatbots, conversational data that occurs over messaging channels like Facebook Messenger and Instagram Messaging can give businesses a deeper understanding of what consumers want Below, we’ll discuss how conversational marketing platforms like Spectrm use natural language processing

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