Tips and Advice on Using Social Media to Drive Revenue and Brand Recognition in B2B Businesses

Tips and Advice on Using Social Media to Drive Revenue and Brand Recognition in B2B Businesses

Looking to make an impact in the B2B social media marketing landscape? As a small business digital marketing agency in Melbourne, we know you’re in good company. Since the early days of social media, businesses have been eager to leverage these platforms to their advantage—and for compelling reasons:

But with fierce competition, standing out and effectively attracting new customers on social media can be tough. That’s why we’ve gathered key B2B social media marketing tips to help you reach and engage your target audience more effectively.

Is Your Social Media Strategy Strategic?

Social media is now considered the most effective B2B channel for driving revenue, according to the 2023 State of B2B Digital Marketing report. And let’s be clear—they said “driving revenue,” not some perceived soft marketing goal like driving “likes” or engagement.

The report by Wpromote and Ascend2 found that 60% of respondents said social media was the most effective channel, topping email, search (paid and organic), and display advertising. We now see companies like McKinsey, AWS, Novartis, and SAP using very clear social media strategies to drive engagement and content dissemination at scale.

Why? Because social media is where your clients are looking for you, and it’s quickly becoming the preferred content channel for millennial buyers.

Do You Have a Strategy? Do You Need One?

This one is easy: ask to see the social media strategy plan for the year. Ask why you are using certain social channels and what the goal of each is. You might see a look of shock and surprise!

And the answer shouldn’t be, “because that’s what our competitors are doing.”

For too long, businesses have been throwing money and content at social media channels without much thought. Social is often an afterthought and, as a result, incredibly tactical. Do you need a social media strategy? Absolutely.

After all, B2B brands often grapple with extended sales cycles, making customer relationship nurturing a significant challenge. The high cost and long-term impact associated with B2B products and services prolong the decision-making process. These factors, coupled with intense competition, fragmented customer data, and departmental silos, create substantial hurdles for B2B marketers – and simply being on social media just isn’t enough to do that.

To transition from tactical to strategic, you need time to plan. Creating good content and creative that aligns with a bigger strategy takes time. Start with creating a quarterly strategy and plan.

Effective social media use takes a village. Start by increasing brand visibility and changing mindsets. Social must be considered in producing any marketing asset—video, white paper, case study, or event. How can social be used to promote these assets? What will be required or created to support the execution in those channels?

Thinking and planning for those needs helps identify individuals or functional areas that can support building content for social channels. Instead of scrambling for something to post, marketing can collaboratively build a monthly content calendar.

Regarding the “village,” there are four parts of your organisation that need to be involved in supporting social media:

  • HR for recruiting and retention.
  • Sales for new customer wins.
  • Product for new product/solution announcements.
  • Corporate communication for community outreach, diversity initiatives, and causes the organisation supports.

They should have input into the plan and stake in producing content to fill the calendar, as well as clear goals they want to achieve. This is essential if you believe social media is strategic. If not, then none of this matters.

Remember That You’re Speaking to Humans, Not Companies

Sure, you’re a B2B company, but that doesn’t mean you should sound like a robot on social media. Remember, you’re speaking to real people behind those business accounts. So, while your content should be informative and professional, it should also have a human touch.

Don’t believe it? In a 2022 LinkedIn B2B Thought Leadership Impact study, 64% of executives preferred “a more human, less formal tone of voice” over “an even-toned, intellectual voice.”

By adopting a human-centred approach, you can foster genuine connections and ultimately drive better business. Plus, younger people will move up the ranks and be making purchasing decisions within a few years. It pays to nurture relationships with industry pros at all stages of their careers.

Engage with your audience on LinkedIn or Facebook on a personal level. Share stories, ask for opinions, and show the human side of your brand.

Be Present on the Right Social Platforms

Not all social media channels are created equal, especially in the B2B landscape.

LinkedIn is an obvious choice for B2B social media marketing, with its professional focus and built-in networking opportunities. According to Statista, LinkedIn is the preferred platform for B2B marketers, with 94% using it to distribute content.

However, you shouldn’t discount other platforms as potential avenues to reach your target audience. Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube have seen major growth in the B2B space too. Using a social media management tool like Hootsuite gives you access to in-depth cross-platform analytics. Use these to track engagement and results across platforms, then use that data to choose the most successful platforms.

Make Your Followers’ Jobs Easier

B2B social media content should provide value to your audience. It should make their jobs easier, address their pain points, and offer solutions or insights.

One way to do this is through educational, thought leadership content such as industry reports, trend analyses, or how-to guides. These reports can be easily repackaged into bite-sized social media posts and shareable infographics. The latest LinkedIn-Edelman B2B Thought Leadership Impact Report found that the best thought leadership content:

  • Gives practical advice on common business problems.
  • Is backed by data, research, and success stories from customers.
  • Gets support from top-level management and is part of a company-wide plan.
  • Stays relevant, timely, and useful for the people it’s meant for.

When promoting your product, focus on how it will directly benefit the customer in real business terms. Think about showcasing specific use cases or sharing success stories that highlight a product or service’s value.

Keep an Eye on Competitors

When it comes to thought leadership content, your competitors can actually pose a threat. In fact, 70% of companies surveyed said that a piece of thought leadership had led them to question whether they should continue working with an existing supplier.

This means your business needs to focus on creating original thought leadership content and keep an eye on what your competitors are producing. This will allow you to identify any gaps in your content and stay ahead of the curve with new ideas and perspectives.

Social media listening can help you monitor your competitors’ social media activities, giving you insights into their B2B social strategy, such as:

  • When and how often they post.
  • Their tone of voice.
  • The type of content that gets the most engagement.
  • Specific customer pain points.

You can use this information to guide your own social strategy, especially before you have enough data to get meaningful insights from your own social posts.

Data-Driven Reports

Data-driven reports are becoming increasingly popular in B2B social media marketing. Not only do they provide valuable insights and information to your audience, but they also position your company as a thought leader and expert in your field.

Examples of data-driven reports include industry analysis, trend reports, or surveys on specific topics related to your target audience. For example, Hootsuite’s annual Social Media Trends report offers valuable data and insights on the latest trends in social media marketing.

User-Generated Content (UGC)

User-generated content (UGC) includes any content—such as text, videos, images, reviews, and testimonials—created by people rather than brands. Leveraging UGC can enhance your brand’s authenticity, build trust, and foster a community around your products or services.

Why use UGC in your B2B social media marketing strategy?

  • UGC builds trust and credibility: Content created by users often carries more weight and authenticity than brand-generated content. When potential customers see real people vouching for your products or services, they are more likely to try your product.
  • UGC increases engagement: UGC tends to generate higher engagement rates because it encourages people to interact with posts and share their own experiences. Users love to see their content featured by brands they use and trust.
  • UGC is a cost-effective way to generate content: Instead of heavily investing in content creation, you can leverage the creativity and experiences of your existing customers for free.
  • UGC serves as social proof: Positive reviews, testimonials, and case studies can influence decision-makers to purchase and demonstrate your brand’s reliability.

By incorporating UGC into your strategy, you not only showcase the positive experiences of your customers but also build a stronger, more engaged community around your brand.

Unlock Your B2B Social Media Potential with Digital Freak

Ready to take your B2B social media strategy to the next level? At Digital Freak, we specialise in crafting tailored strategies that drive real results. Whether you want to boost brand recognition, increase revenue, or outshine competitors, our expert team is here to help. Book a free strategy call today and discover how we can elevate your social media presence and deliver measurable growth for your business.

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