Visibility in search engines is effectively linked to credibility and brand awareness. Sally Falkow, an online marketing specialist suggests that optimizing press releases gives SMBs excellent visibility and keep them on the consumers’ radar. Falkow provides another useful tip: giving these releases “news” appeal gives them credibility. Aside from these general tips from a specialist, there are other guides that SMBs rely on in internet marketing.
Researching and testing keywords is an effective way to find the most popular combinations. Sites like WordTracker and Overture help in selecting keywords. Internet marketing optimization benefits from the use of phrases rather than a single word as keyword. Jill Whalen, search consultant for High Rankings, says that more specific keywords draw and attract real customers and not just people who are browsing around. It is also important to mix general terms and specific words as keywords; this way, SMBs draw in all prospective clients. It is also a good idea to include the company name and title tags as part of the keywords. The use of jargon is also a good idea especially if the SMBs’ products are industry-specific. Linking keyworded articles to other articles or sites is also an effective strategy. Lastly, it is vital that SMBs be honest about the service and product that they offer to avoid disappointed buyers. It is one thing to advertise a product and a completely different thing to exaggerate about its features.